Home / Asia / Amazing Train Journey: The Reunification Express, Vietnam

Amazing Train Journey: The Reunification Express, Vietnam

Start – Ho Chi Minh City; End – Hanoi; Departs daily; Distance – 1072 miles (1726km); Duration – two days

Some railways rattle through historic cities; others swoosh beside spectacular coastline. A few have an epic history, and one or two are remarkable for the colourful characters on board. The Reunification Express line, also known as the North–South Railway, fulfils all these criteria.

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One of Southeast Asia’s best-loved railways, its fortunes have waxed and waned with those of the country it traverses. Travelling more than a thousand miles from Ho Chi Minh City in the south to Hanoi in the north, there is no more atmospheric way to haul into Vietnam’s twin metropolises. And there’s no better way of exploring all the glories in between.

More info: 12Go or Baolau

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擁有千年歷史,可以聞到淡淡的硫磺味,連著名演員差理·卓別靈亦前來,小鎮專門設立了雕像以紀念此事。 地址:岐阜縣下呂市(地圖按此) 交通:從名古屋或岐阜出發,乘JR高山本線,分別約需90分鐘和60分鐘,即達下呂車站。

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