Home / Asia / China Amazing Train Journey: The Bĕijīng to Lhasa Express

China Amazing Train Journey: The Bĕijīng to Lhasa Express

Start – Bĕijīng; End – Lhasa; departs daily; Distance – 2330 miles (3750km); Duration – 40 hours

Linking the futuristic architecture and imperial wonders of Bĕijīng with the dreamlike monasteries and palaces of Lhasa, the Z21 train transports its passengers from the neon lights of urban China to a once-remote land of magenta-robed monks, where the air is heady with the aroma of incense and yak-butter candles. As it chugs westward the train climbs nearly 16,400ft (5000m) on its journey to the roof of the world: the Tibetan plateau, where it glides past grazing yaks, fluttering prayer flags, snow-capped mountains and boundless blue skies. On board, passengers slurp noodles and play cards with their bunkmates.

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擁有千年歷史,可以聞到淡淡的硫磺味,連著名演員差理·卓別靈亦前來,小鎮專門設立了雕像以紀念此事。 地址:岐阜縣下呂市(地圖按此) 交通:從名古屋或岐阜出發,乘JR高山本線,分別約需90分鐘和60分鐘,即達下呂車站。

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